November 20, 2008

Adventures in your own Backyard

Here is an interesting little story about Kavaje which I actually read in a travel book. And then confirmed with a bunch of friends who seemed confused about why all of this interested me so much.

Back during the Communist times (pre 1991), Kavaje was quite the industrial center. There was a rug factory, a glass factory, and several other plants. Unfortunately with the communists the factories went too. In a clever use of passive voice, my friend says, "The factories were destroyed because we thought democracy would build us new ones" Democracy didn't live up to its end of the bargain and as a result there are several massive, broken down factories scattered throughout town in various states of destruction.

Meanwhile, there was a mosque that didn't have a place to say the call to prayer from (I can't remember the word for this, the one I always use is actually something totally different) So a group of people decided to put loudspeakers and a silver top to one of the old factory smokestacks and voila. We have a new definition of recycling.

1 comment:

kenji said...

That's funny, I always wondered if a smokestack had been converted into a minaret anywhere.