April 16, 2007


I think I forgot to mention how beautiful the weather is here. It's been in the upper 70s for the last few weeks. It's cooler in the morning and gets fairly warm throughout the day. It's been sunny every day this week.

I heard that in America we had a lot of snow. Unfortunately, I didn't get to here where this April snow showers were. I'm assuming it is not PA!

Also we had our first earthquake. It shook the school for about 30 seconds. How scary is that! I never felt an earthquake. Two of us ran to the doorway, one hid under the table and the two guys just sat right next to the windows and bookshelves. It was an interesting experience.


Unknown said...

Any word on the peace corps girl missing in the Philippines? Also how is the Hague trial going for the Albanian folks?

Depster said...

I haven't actually heard of either of those things. I do get Newsweek, and i saw CNN feed yesterday, but my knowlege of new is pretty limited.

Unknown said...

THe peace corps girl was hiking by herself...point...don't go off alone. Sound like a father or something?

Kate looks great!!!

Unknown said...

THe peace corps girl was hiking by herself...point...don't go off alone. Sound like a father or something?

Kate looks great!!!